This scholarship was created by Jerry & Louise Humble for students graduating from Carterville High School.
This scholarship was created by Jerry & Louise Humble.
Jerry Humble was a lifelong worker in the commercial construction field in Southern Illinois. He also served a brief stint teaching Vocational Education in a high school in mid-state Illinois. This was followed by serving as a Vocational Advisor for SIU in the country of Nepal. He comments that he was helped financially through Southern Illinois University by an individual and he would like to pass this on to future students.
Louise Humble taught Reading and Literature at the Carterville Grade and Jr. High School for 33 years after graduating from Eastern Illinois University and the University of Illinois. She was taught the value of an education by her parents who also emphasized the necessity of helping others to reach that goal. She would like to pass that opportunity on to future students.
Scholarship guidelines
- Carterville High School graduate, continuing education at college, university or technical institute
- Student pursuing a degree in Elementary/Middle School Education or Vocational Trade
- Academics are considered but Financial Need/Opportunity is a priorities
- Briefly respond to the following questions (300 characters or less):
- How financial barriers are a challenge to your educational goals?
- What degree are you pursuing and how you will use it?
- Who has been a major influence in your life and why?
- How do you plan to pay for your education?
- What is something we haven’t asked, but you think is important to know about you
- Grade Point Average of 2.00 and above
- Briefly describe (300 characters or less)
- Work Experience/Volunteer Activities
- Extra-Curricular Activities
- Briefly respond to the following questions (300 characters or less):
Show your support by making your tax deductible donation to SICF or mail your check to: SICF, PO Box 1772, Marion, IL 62959.
We are bankers, administrators, community members, who are from Southern Illinois. Our families live and grow here and have for generations. This region means as much to us as it does to you. Let us help you grow your legacy to build
up the community that we all love.
The Southern Illinois Community Foundation engages the people of our region in building a tradition of philanthropy. We are committed to creating an opportunity for donors to participate in local community development efforts to address the changing needs of our community through charitable giving.